Friday, January 1, 2016

January 2, 2016 Hellenic Writers' Group Meeting


The Writers' Group of Washington DC will start off the New Year 2016 with a group meeting at 

the Hellenic Center.


10-11 am - Poetry Group

11-12pm - Writers' Workshop

12-1pm -  Writers' Group Meeting 

A few members wrote poetry for Christmas, and we would like to share below:




May the brightness of Christmas

Shine in your eyes

To change the way you see life

And give light to

The ever increasing darkness.


May the goodness of Christmas

Fill your hearts with joy,

To cherish everything and everyone

Under the sun and the moon,

Tall or small, rich or poor.


May the spirit of Christmas

Send you the ultimate peace

That embraces stillness

And wraps you in a blanket

Of snow-white love.


May the beauty of Christmas

Stir the love inside

Each and everyone of you

So that you may witness

The miracle of Christ's birth.

May the love of Christmas

Join hands with you

And bind the hearts

Of family and friends

Not only on Christmas day,

But on every day.


by Patty Apostolides, 2015




Χριστούγεννα   2015


Μέρα γιορτής, μεγάλη

Της Χριστιανοσύνης

Μέρα χαράς, αγάπης και ειρήνης

Φίλοι κι’εχθροί ανταμώνουνε

Και λεν ν’αγαπηθούνε

Κι’ολου του κόσμου τα παιδιά

Τρέχουνε να χαρούνε

Αν είναι τούτη τη φορά

Τις αμαρτίες ν’αφήσουν

Κι’ολα τα μίση πούχανε

Ήθελε να ξεχάσουν

Χριστούγεννα να είχαμε

Αλήθεια κάθε μέρα

Μα υποκρισία και ψευτιά

Πόλεμοι, διστυχία,

Πείνα, αρρώστιες και πνιγμοί

Δεν έχουν προθεσμία

Η δε χλιδή δε νιάζεται

Η φρίκη δεν ζυγιέται

Μα στον φτωχό τον ανθρωπο

Ενας Χριστός γεννιέται

Τούστειλε σήμερα βροχή

Για να ξεπλύνει τις πληγές

Τις αμαρτίες όλων

Και το αστέρι φάνηκε

Μετά την καταιγίδα

Κι’εφερε το μήνυμα:



Kalliopi Toufidi Christmas 2015


Holiday, the biggest of Christianity

A day of joy, of love and peace

Friends and enemies  meet

And say would love

All children of the world

Run for joy

If this is the time

For sins to be left

And all hatred would be forgotten

Christmas would really be every day

But hypocrisy and deceit,

Wars, misery, hunger,

Deseases and drownings

Don’t have time limit

Opulence doesn’t care

Horror not scales

But for poor man

Christ is born

He sent him today the rain

To wash away the wounds and sins of all

And the star appeared after the storm

It brought the message:




                           Kalliopi Toufidi Christmas 2015