Monday, November 26, 2018

Maria Karametou Talk Nov 25 2018

Professor Maria Karametou

On November 25, 2018, the Hellenic Writers' Group of Washington DC hosted a presentation given by distinguished Professor Maria Karametou at the Hellenic Center, 6506 Bells Mill Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817.

Patty Apostolides, Director of the Hellenic Writers' Group, introduced the speaker. 

Professor Karametou, a native of Greece, holds a BA degree from the University of Maryland (cum laude) and an MFA degree from the Maryland Institute of Art in Baltimore. She is the recipient of many awards and teaches at George Mason University. She heads the Division of Drawing and is an affiliate faculty member of the Department of Women and Gender Studies. As a mixed media artist, she has presented her artwork in several museums, nationally and internationally, including Washington DC,  New York, Vermont, Oregon, Greece, Germany, Turkey, China, and Korea.

Professor Maria Karametou

Professor Karametou talked about her background and experience in art, and in addition to her academic writing, she has also written a fiction book. She mentioned her award-winning short story "The First Few American Moons" in the Bethesda Magazine (July-August 2018) about immigrants and finished her presentation by reading an excerpt from her short story. The short story was taken from a chapter in her unpublished book.


(Photos by Calliopi Toufidou)

More information about Professor Karametou and her work can be found on her website:

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Karen Batshaw - Author of HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT

Hellenic Writers’ Group of Washington DC Presents

Karen Batshaw


Documenting the terrible brutal occupation of Greece by the Nazis, Hidden in Plain Sight shines a light on the plight of Greece’s Jews 
and the brave attempts of the Archbishop of Athens to protect them. Carefully researched and expertly plotted, this novel’s attention to detail and compelling characters will appeal to fans of historical fiction and those of Jewish faith or Greek heritage. 

APRIL 14, 2018

          Free Refreshments

Hellenic Center, 6506 Bells Mill Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Eleni Pallas's Presentation



Using Your Emotions as Data 

to Live Happier & Make Better Decisions 

Eleni Pallas, MBA
Eleni Pallas spearheads Leaders for Good, a leadership design boutique that equips leaders with the tools they need to cultivate great teams and associated results. She has worked with clients such as Cartier, Ashoka, UC Berkeley, SF State University, Whole Foods, George Washington University and Mercer.

The presentation will be in English

Saturday, March 10, 2018, 2PM

Free Refreshments

6506 Bells Mill Rd.
 Bethesda, MD 20817

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dr. Polyvia Parara's talk on Feb. 10, 2018 at the Hellenic Center in Bethesda, MD was a success! She presented poems by Constantine Cavafy, the famous Greek poet and engaged the audience with a question and answer session about the meaning of his poetry. There were many questions by the audience with enthusiastic participation by everyone.

Several people came up to us afterwards and gave positive comments, including a few requests to have more talks like these. Thank you, Dr. Parara!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Dr. Polyvia Parara presents Cavafy

We are delighted to inform you that our next writers' group meeting will include Dr. Polyvia Parara, from the University of Maryland. She will give a presentation on the famous Greek poet, Constantine Cavafy at 2PM at the Hellenic Center, 6506 Bells Mill Rd, Bethesda, MD 20817. See flyer below.

Tentative schedule:

12PM - Writing Craft and writing exercises.
1PM - Critique Group - Submit your works (up to 20 pp) by Feb. 1.
2PM - Poetry Group - Dr. Parara's talk. Also, bring your poems to share.


The Hellenic Writers’ Group of Washington DC
Cavafy and the Greek World

Polyvia Parara, Ph.D.
    Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, University of Maryland

Dr. Parara will examine examples of the values and ideals of the Greek world conveyed in Constantine Cavafy’s pseudohistorical frame poems that range from Homer to modern times.

The presentation will be in Greek

February 10, 2018 

Free Refreshments

6506 Bells Mill Rd.
Bethesda, MD 20817